Research & development along the textile chain
The ITA Group is a leading research and qualification service provider with 350 employees in the fields of fiber-based high-performance materials, textile semi-finished products and their manufacturing processes. Our guiding subjects are oriented towards societal megatrends and challenges: Mobility, health, energy, construction and housing, information and communication technology; materials, production, qualification

We accompany people and companies in relevant innovation topics. With structured methods and creativity, we design innovative and economic solutions.
Connected to the Institute is the departmental chair of Textile Mechanical Engineering as part of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH. The chair holder is Institute Director Prof. Thomas Gries. In addition to the four research areas of man-made fibre technology, textile mechanical engineering, fibre composites and biohybrids and medical textiles, further focal points are academic teaching, scientific training and the development of managers during and after doctoral studies.

ITA Technologietransfer GmbH (ITA GmbH) in Aachen acts as the technology transfer partner of the ITA Group. It considers itself a service provider for industry in the field of research and development with the research focal points of the institute mentioned above. ITA GmbH offers industry comprehensive problemsolving along the textile chain, accompanies the innovation process from idea finding all the way to market launch and supports the innovation process in adjacent industrial sectors.

ITA Medical GmbH & Co KG is the industry partner for research, development and production with a focus on fiber spinning, textile processing, (bio)functionalization and laboratory testing of medical textiles.
With the know-how of industrial-scale processes, ITA medical offers comprehensive problem solutions along the entire textile value chain and provides transfer support.
APS GmbH European Centre for Mechatronics is active in the fields of robotics, sensor technology, information and communication technology. Engineers and technicians from various disciplines develop and implement interdisciplinary concepts and solutions in cooperation with national and international industrial partners, public clients and researchers.