What drives the textile world into the future?
We have the answers!

The ITA Group is a leading research and qualification service provider with 350 employees in the fields of fibre-based high-performance materials, textile semi-finished products and their manufacturing processes.
Our key topics are orientated towards social megatrends and challenges like
mobility, health, energy, building and living, information and communication technology; materials, production, qualification
Our industry is facing three major transformations:
⁃ Business models
⁃ Digitalization
Topics that move us
1Innovation Managment
The Industry Research Group, in collaboration with the ITA Group, conducts practical and industrially focused research within the textile value chain. We develop technological,
economic, and strategic solutions to address relevant questions.
2Research Transfer
ITA Group is your research and developmentpartner for technical textiles, fibers,
machinery, composites, and medical textiles. We offer expert advice and prototype production throughout the textile value chain to support your projects.
3Consulting & Development
With 400+ employees, 250 machines, 3 labs, and 2 model factories, ITA Group offers
cutting-edge consulting services for
prototypes, innovation projects, and strategic development.
The M.Sc. in Textile Engineering is an
interdisciplinary program focused on the latest textile technology developments, including high-performance fibers, medical smart textiles, biomaterials, and reinforced fabric structures.
5Industry Network
Benefit from our global network of 2,000+ suppliers, builders, and manufacturers.
Discover new partners. Our Industry
Research Group conducts targeted research for practical applications and develops systematic solutions.
6Training & Qualification
ITA Group offers diverse trainings and
workshops on topics such as newest textile-technology, sustainability in textile production and many more to enhance professional skills and stay ahead in the textile industry.
7Product Development
ITA Group offers comprehensive product
development services across the entire textile
value chain, encompassing material
development, the creation of yarn, fabrics and the production of readymade products.