Upkip use-case event on February 21st at The Innovation and Learning Center Aachen!
In collaboration with the ITA academy, ICB-WE will be showcasing the implementation of the Upkip Industrial Iot platform at the ILC* Industry 4.0 model factory.
The Upkip solution – which won the European Software and IT Excellence Award back in 2016 and has been evolving ever since, is an intuitive and easy to use real-time manufacturing monitoring solution with advanced analytics capabilities and machine learning, that supports users make fact-based decisions and actions.
The event is dedicated to industrial manufacturers who want to:
– improve the performance of their production,
– minimise their costs,
– stop the production of scrap as early as possible in their manufacturing flow,
-implement smart remote maintenance.
What can you expect from this event?
– Take part to a live demonstration: Experience Upkip in action – how it works and what it solves, in a real working environment with different kind of production machines, sensors and API,
– Get industry professionals insights: Gain knowledge – also on technical and/or on integration topics, and exchange on possible concerns you may have,
– Discuss your current projects with us and take advantage of networking opportunities: with experts in the field and/or like-minded people.
Please Register here for free: https://forms.office.com/e/Rv0tE3nj90