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29. Oktober 2024
Neue Schulungsangebote der ITA Academy
25. Februar 2025Co-Create our EU Textiles Ecosystem Platform
Your input is crucial!
Following the publication of the Transition Pathway for the Textiles Ecosystem in June 2023, the European Commission is now creating an EU Textiles Ecosystem Platform to support stakeholders in making the textiles ecosystem greener, more digital, resilient, and competitive. The platform will offer you:
- Easy access to key information including legislative developments and funding and support opportunities
- Interactive workshops and webinars
- Networking opportunities
- Peer learning experiences
- A space to connect with other industry stakeholders
To express your opinion in this brief 15-minute survey.
The survey will be available until 31 January 2025. If you have any questions or need more information about the survey, please contact us at: francesca.squillante@be.ey.com.
Thank you in advance for your valuable contribution.